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Whispering AngelRose 750ml

“Guys, this French rosé is spendy but oh my gawd, is it worth it. It honestly tastes like an angel’s whisper!” – Jeannie

Château d’Esclans is one of the most prestigious wineries in Provence, and their Whispering Angel Rose 750ml is one of the most beloved wines in the world. This crisp and refreshing rosé has captivated wine lovers everywhere with its delicate flavour and beautiful light pink colour. The perfect summertime wine, Whispering Angel Rose 750ml is perfect for enjoying on a warm day outside. Whether you’re picnicking in the park or relaxing on the beach, this rosé is sure to delight. So don’t wait any longer, order a bottle (or two) of Château d’Esclans Whispering Angel Rose today and start enjoying the finer things in life!”


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